Motorbike pictures
- My first bike, a BMW K100
I sold it in 2012.
- My new secondhand Kawasaki ZX-7R
- Pictures made during the
These are the last pictures of my Kawasaki ZX-7R in its
original colours. I had to drop out of the academy halfway due to an
accident, which also severely damaged my bike.
- Pictures made after the
Basically, this was the state of my bike after the
- New colour
The new fairing was a
unpainted, and I decided on doing something slightly more interesting then
just the previous colours. These pictures are a first try to see if I like
the colour. The rest of the bike will get the same colour as well (at least
the rear which is now white-purple)
- Race academy 2006
fairing was painted, the bike ready to go. So of we went, Race Academy 2006.
It currently contains mainly pictures of the track, I hope to be able to
have a lot of pictures of me riding as well.
- Race academy 2006 racing
And the actual pictures of the bike (and me) on the track.
- Pictures of the Japan motorbike trip I did with my brother. The first few days were still without
motorbike. We then went on a 14 day tour of japan. The
pictures will be placed here soon.
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For more information, errata and of course for volunteering to scan my
images, mail me.